AVA Artificial Intelligence Software Is Altering the Auto Industry

The hundreds of auto dealers who have signed up for AVA lead follow-up technology are reporting great improvement and increases in sales due to AVA. Those of you who aren’t familiar with AVA, are probably asking: What is it?
AVA is a military grade artificial intelligence software that automatically contacts leads and continues to email the leads until either the customer reports they have already purchased a car, or the customer tells AVA they are no longer in the market. Due to the persistence of the software, online leads are never lost due to a salesperson’s lack of follow up. AVA never gives up on a lead. Perhaps more importantly, the intelligence of the software makes the consumer think they are emailing with a real person and makes sure the customer is not annoyed at the follow up.
The AVA technology, created by Ben Brigham of AutoFerret, was developed over a five-year period in response to dealer concerns about how many leads they were losing when their sales staff was unable to work every lead for long periods of time.
Since the shopping period for some car buyers extends over months, many dealers are unable to stay in the conversation with the shoppers consistently over the longer periods. AVA solves the problem and interfaces well with nearly all CRM systems.
“This is the way all dealerships will take care of their leads in the future,” said Tim Grand, ad agency representative for Larson Automotive Group in Tacoma, Washington. “They installed AVA, turned it on, and the dealership started closing twice as many leads. We thought it would be intimidating for the sales staff, but actually they love it because AVA hands the lead to a salesperson when the car shopper emails they are ready to make a purchase. Salespeople love that kinds of lead—ready to buy today!” added Grand.
The programming staff that works on AVA for Ben Brigham recently celebrated a milestone. “AVA sent her three millionth message last week” said Brigham. “We expect to hit the five million message mark within a short time.”
Dealers that want to set up a ten-minute online demo of the AVA technology can call Pat Shaw at 425-366-1773 or email pshaw@dealermarketing.com. Shaw will schedule an online demo with an AVA demonstrator. As the AVA folks say, “AVA will follow a lead until they buy or die!”
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