articles tagged
predictive analytics

Affinitiv Introduces Connectiv1, an End-to-End Marketing Platform for Dealers and Manufacturers
Chicago — December 5, 2017 — Affinitiv, a leading provider of marketing and technology services to automotive manufacturers and dealerships,...

Artificial Intelligence Lets You Focus on the Work That Really Matters
When it comes to implementing new technology on your dealership website, there can be a learning curve. Every change requires understanding a new...

Today's Automotive Data Science: The Future Is Now
There is a lot of discussion going on these days regarding how big data will be a benefit to dealerships, manufacturers, and consumers in the future....

A Dealer's Guide to Marketing: AI, Machine Learning, and Predictive Analytics
If you’re reading the news, checking out dealership vendor awards, and following new product releases, you’re probably hearing a lot about artificial...