Reputation Management

If You See Something, Say Something
Anyone travelled recently? I’ll bet you’ve heard “If you see something, say something,” blaring over the loudspeakers at the airport? Why? What are...

Owl Chores
My wife and I have a neighborhood owl. Well, it’s not our owl. Every night, right after sunset when the trees are still and the orangy-pinky hues...

How Can Birds See When They Are Flying And It’s Raining?
Am I the only one who thinks of these things? Seriously. Ever wonder? Well, I did. According to “birds have a third eyelid, a...

The Dealership Litigation Hold: Unpacked
These Are A Few Of My Unfavorite Things. (Sing with me here…) “Gossip and taxes and unpleasant divorces, Pulling of wisdom teeth, with...

TEXAS V VROOM: A Failed Brand Promise
90125. No, it’s not a zip code. And, it’s not a television show. It was an album released by the prog-rock band Yes in November, 1983....

The Barf Bag - U.S. Patent 7,041,042: And Other Dark Dealership Tales
Recently, I was traveling on Something-or-other Airlines, (as I often do), and noticed the barf bag in my seat pocket was patented. It was...

Reputation & Retention = Reward
“My fiancé is shopping for a truck from your dealership simply because of the reviews.” This is a real message I received. Reputation and...

PR Fail: A Story of Deception, Unfair Acts and Power Booking
Do you prefer single ply or double ply toilet paper? Unless you live in your RV or boat, is there any debate on this in your head? I...

Astroturfing: Manipulating and Faking Reviews
Astroturfing is organized activity that is intended to create a false impression of a widespread, spontaneously arising, grassroots movement in...

Wash, Rinse, Repeat: What is Corporate Governance and Why Is It Important?
Governance consists of a compendium and series of policies and procedures which safeguards the business to protect the owners and shareholders,...

What’s the Status? How Dealerships Can Avoid Missed Opportunities With Existing Clients
“Hi, I’m calling about my vehicle. Do you know what the status of it is and when it will be ready?” Dealerships across the country hear some version...

Tuck The Octopus
Managing, owning, and running a dealership can feel like trying to tuck an octopus into bed at night while the tentacles keep flopping out! My close...