Customer Relationships

5 Keys to Get More Customer Referrals
We all know that referrals represent our greatest opportunity for peak profits and predicable growth. As Mark Zuckerberg has acknowledged, There is...

Dealership Culture: Make Trust Your North Star
According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Rory Blackwell, the ultimate one-man band, played 108 different musical instruments simultaneously...

Are Dealers Ready for “Telematics Right to Repair?”
In the November, 2020 election, voters in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts passed a ballot initiative, Question 1, by an overwhelming margin (75%...

Building Customer Relationships with Tactile Action-Based Marketing
If you’re like most dealers, you invest thousands of dollars each month into various marketing channels. Some of which you may be deploying right...

The Saga of the Hdx 27 Gallon Containers and Your Dealership
So, I sold my RV, (please hold your applause) and needed to buy HDX 27 gallon storage containers to keep “my stuff,” which had previously lived in...

The Power of Return Parts Buyers
You probably know the age-old business adage that it’s cheaper to sell to an existing customer than it is to acquire a new one. In fact, it’s about...

With Connectivity, Dealers Can Get More from Courtesy Transportation Programs
Most dealers have Courtesy Transportation, or CTP programs in place, with the support of their respective manufacturers. What dealers may not be...

Interview with Assurant Global Automotive: Customer Experience Tech
As Bob Hooey said, "if you are not taking care of your customers, your competitor will." With so many dealership options and value offerings a...

How To Handle A Customer Dispute Like a Pro: Part 2
In Part 1, you will recall that we had the goals of discovering the truth, building trust, and de-escalating the customer's anger (a.k.a. extracting...

How To Handle A Customer Dispute Like a Pro: Part 1
"The only difference between an ordeal and an adventure is your attitude," states the recent, popular internet meme I encountered, and I agree....

Auto Retailers: Customer Experience Needs to Be Your Differentiator
Tom Knighton said it best, Customer Experience - the term is everywhere in business and even in society now. As with many business practice...

Everybody is Your Friend, You Just Haven't Met Them Yet
I was leaving my building in downtown Denver, heading to the dealership in Boulder this morning and I was thinking to myself how grateful I am to...