Customer Relationships

Stop Spinning the Wheels of Customer Service—Start Wowing Women!
How great is your customer service? How is your customer satisfaction? These are fairly common questions when it comes to marketing folks, and I'm...

Why Is CSI Cancelled?
Have you heard the news? CSI is cancelled! No, I’m not talking about the popular forensic crime scene TV show. I’m referring to the customer...

Measuring Customer Retention
Would you agree that customer retention is an important goal? Designed to retain customers — to keep them from drifting to other dealerships or the...

Making Profits & Happy Customers in the Service Department
A lot has changed in the auto dealership industry in the last few decades, but one fact is still true: the service department can and should be one...

The Four B S of Great Customer Retention
There is an age-old truth in business that it is easier to keep a client than to find a new one. I’ve often heard business owners and managers ask,...

The Right Customer Loyalty Program for You
General Motors says it costs five times as much to attract a new buyer as it does to retain current customers. The sizzle may be in winning new...

Behold! A Way to Turn Warranty Expirations Into Service Gold
I’m certainly not a poet, as demonstrated by my effort at headline writing here…Nevertheless, the poetry of turning warranty expirations into service...

Prepaid and Complimentary Maintenance Plans Equal Loyalty From Next Gen Customers
While most dealerships offer some degree of prepaid maintenance (PPM) or complimentary dealer and OEM maintenance plans, many questions how effective...

How to Update Your Auto Body Shop for the Long Haul
Any good car dealership knows they must think about expanding their operations outside of just car sales. You need a sufficient department that vends...

What Experience Tells Us About Retention Marketing Costs
The latest NADA statistics clearly point out the continuously changing advertising-spend per dealership. Overall dealership ad expenses were down...