
People in Automotive: Allie Peters
In this month's edition of People in Automotive, Laurie Halter meets with Allie Peters, Fixed Ops Director at the Cavender Auto Group. Allie is open,...

Using Digital And Automation For Cost Effective Claims Processing To Optimize Operational Efficiencies, an Interview with Ed Roberts, COO of Bozard Ford Lincoln
"They were the first to give me an opportunity because up until that point, I was homeless." Meeting with Ed Roberts is always an experience that...

Everywhere I look, I see automotive
Steve Schmith is the director of automotive industry strategy at Acxiom. He has spent nearly all of his 25 years of professional experience working...

Ed Roberts on People, Self-Development, and Advice for New Leaders
As we began our research, it became apparent that this would not be a standard COO interview. Ed has successfully implemented human centric ideals...

NADA 2022 Annual Convention
To say that the last two years have offered some significant challenges to our industry would be an understatement. As we have been forced to change...

Be the Ultimate Pro at Effectiveness: Ready - Set - Poised for Success
Maybe it’s a strange-type A-Virgo-slightly OCD-anal retentive personality trait that I have or perhaps I’m just an old soul who is hard to explain....

Why Your Team Should Be Part of Your Marketing Strategy
We humans complicate things, and it’s no surprise in dealerships it manifests in grandiose form, especially noticeable when it comes to how teams,...

Embrace Change as a Leader for Your Dealership to Thrive
If we have learned anything during the pandemic, it’s time we get comfortable with being uncomfortable! The good news is leaders that embrace and...

B+: Social Responsibility through Heliotropic Leadership
How do we make a positive impact other than just selling cars? Not just in our attitudes but in our actions. What does it mean to be positive? When...

Why Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are Key to Dealership Success
Like many industries, the automotive industry has seen an increased—and much needed—focus on diversity in recent years. Why much needed? Consider...

Auto Dealers: What’s Your Total Cost of Risk (TCOR)?
Financial statements track how you are doing financially every month. Consider measuring and benchmarking TCOR as a part of your ongoing financial...

Is it Time to Make the Entrepreneurial Leap?
The last year and a half has been one of the immense transitions and has left many of us asking if we’re in the right place and if what we’re doing...